We believe fellowship is important at every age! Check out our list of upcoming events below.

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have about fellowship opportunities at the Garden, just click the “contact us” button at the top or bottom of this page to send us a message.

Upcoming Events

SPRIGS - ongoing. Check out our special interest groups for kids, below.

5/25 Planting Party. Join us at 10AM in the courtyard.

6/1 Clean the Bay Day. We hope you’ll join us from 9AM to noon for the 35th Annual Save the Bay Day. Please click the “signup” button below if you plan to attend.

6/15 Summer Kick Off. Join us as we celebrate the start of summer with food, games, and ICE CREAM SUNDAES! More info coming soon.

7/29 through 8/02 - VBS. Save the Date!

8/10 Backpack Giveaway. We’ll be giving away backpacks full of supplies.

SPRIGS - Sprouts Interest Groups

SPRIGS are an opportunity for adult members of our church to share their special interests with our Sprouts. These special sessions normally take place every Wednesday over the course of 4 to 6 weeks.

Check out the fliers below for information about our current and upcoming SPRIGS, and to register your kiddo. (Registration is required so that we can ensure everyone has the supplies they need.)

Current & Upcoming SPRIGS

4/10 through 5/22 - Dungeons & Dragons with Mr. Hilton. Wednesdays at 6PM.

D&D Registration is CLOSED, but please feel free to join us for board games and other activities every Wednesday night!

5/22 through 6/19 - Building Basics with Mr. Erik. Wednesdays at 6PM.

Your Kiddos will work together to build a special storage shelf that will be used in the Sprouts classroom. Registration is FREE, but all children must be registered to participate.

SPRIG Game Nights - If our SPRIGS are not a perfect fit for your kiddo, consider joining us for Game Nights! This is a family activity (parents stay with your kiddos) and ALL are welcome.

Children in Worship

Your children are welcome in the worship service!

We all experience worship differently, so if your Sprout wants to get up and move around, we encourage that! Check out the Pray-Ground, a special area in the sanctuary dedicated specifically to our youngest Sprouts.


Sunday school

Sunday School is offered from 11AM to noon.

We have a special program for kiddos from Pre-k4 through 5th grade, but that’s not all! We have groups for people of all ages, including youth and adults.


Sprouts on a Mission

Our Sprouts told us they wanted to focus on volunteer work, and we’re so excited that they want to take God’s love out into the world! So far, we’ve partnered with a local clothing closet for kids, and First Landing State Park.

Check the “Upcoming Events” section regularly to see what we’re up to.